TT Huronia

Transition Town Huronia is all about Sustainable living. 
our mission: 
our vision:

There are Transition Town groups all over the world. 
Please write to us with any comments, questions or inspirations. 
or check out our website which has links to other local TT groups.

On behalf of all the earth lovers I would like to say...
Thanks you for supporting your local community by shopping and hiring local.

Some people ask me...are you vegetarian? I'm an ECO EATER!
I think that eating local foods may be more important than being vegetarian or not. Let's eat sustainably :)
educate yourself. knowledge is power. 
the story of stuff. the story of bottled water.
blue gold. food inc. end of the line. eating. food matters. michael moore.
there is so much more...
Let's get together. SHARE resources and information.

Vandana Shiva talks about the importance of seeds
"putting people on the land and defending people on the land are the two most important projects of our time."
TTHuronia offers free seeds to the community. Thank you TTH!

Let's teach our children human values.
Compassion. gratitude. consciousness.
In fact... let's learn it from them! Children are the most human and unconditioned of them all. Instead of controlling them, let's grow with them.
Children are the world's greatest mirror.

Everyone you meet is your mirror.