Sustainable Homes And Real Education. Diversified.
The earth provides in abundance and when resources are used with respect and in moderation there is always enough for everyone. There is no need for greed or jealousy.
Solar panels, geothermal, wind power, architecture, design, sky lights, positioning, rain water collection, wood fire place, less electronics, candles, re-usable, etc....
There are countless ways to build sustainable homes. We are limited only by our own imagination.
I imagine a beautiful home in Springwater, Ontario, on family land, who immigrated in 1878 and planted a forest of trees where there was once rock and sand.
The purpose of the SHARE.D home is to serve as a cultural center that will include;
Healing House
We will offer Reiki, massage, yoga, drumming, dance, laugh therapy, councelling, conversation, hugs, smiles, nature, nutrition, etc.
Guest House
We will offer stays of varying lengths.
We will host local and international guests for workshops and seminars in Jikiden Reiki, yoga, dance, nutrition, drumming, etc etc...
As our family grows, so will what we offer.
As times change so will the demands and needs of the community.
We will host international guests for holidays, as an English language holiday for the children and a healing holiday for the parents.
Spanish and Japanese past students are waiting to spend their summer holidays learning English through meaningful experiences at the La-La Life school.
Food and Drink
“Nutritious and Delicious” This is my moto.
We will serve food for take home, delivery or eat in.
Our Picnic foods will require no cutlery.
Education Center
Will we offer Real education for all ages that is personalized, enriched, involving the parents and rooted in nature.
We will have an all aged “La-La Life School” (Language Laugh Life school)
Learning important life skills such as cooking, cleaning, hygiene, growing food, numeracy, literacy, self-awareness, self-control.
We will focus on discovering our talents
We will involve the parents and our community
It will be personalized and enriching for all
Social Center
We will gather once a week to worship and celebrate Life.
We will host fundraising events, music events, private parties...
We will have special summer and holiday events including living in the nature, camping, life skills, culture exchange, international friend week, etc...
We will have our own garden with herbs, veggies and fruit trees.
We will serve as a place where people can meet, gather and socialize. A safe place where people can come for answers, solutions, healing, inspiration...
We will support the local community
We will support the global community
We will fill our lives with love and gratitude, creating a peaceful, non-violent environment.
We will RESPECT all that nature provides us, especially water.
We will live as consciously as possible, being kind to the environment.
We will be the heart of the community.
We will enjoy life :)
Guiding Principles:
open heart ~ non-possessiveness
open hand ~ non-attachment
open mind ~ non-belief
only for today
no anger
no worrying
be grateful
strive to fulfill your duties
be kind to all
Be impeccable with your word
Don’t take anything personally
Don’t make assumptions
Do your best
Everything in Moderation, even moderation :)
This self-sustainable community is based on trust and respect. When we trust that everyone is doing their best there is no need for blaming, judging or criticizing.
“No hard feelings for universe nor criticism for people would occur when we recall our own mistakes.” - Emperor Meiji