Jikiden Reiki

Reiki is great for treating any ailment, physical, psychological or spiritual. 

During a typical Reiki treatment the person lies down on a massage table while the Reiki practitioner lays their hands on different parts of their bodies. Usually time is spent with hands on the head and on which ever part of the body the person wishes to treat. 

The special thing about Reiki is that the healing energy naturally goes to where it is most needed. This means that even though we don't know the root of the problem we are able to treat it. 

Reiki can also be done from a distance. Just like we send pictures through wireless internet we can connect energetically through Reiki. 

There are different "kinds" of Reiki but they all share the same root...Japan. Jikiden Reiki is the original and authentic form from which all others stem. It is simple, effective and very powerful. 

People who practice Reiki often describe it as a life style. There are 5 Reiki principles which we try our best to do every day. The words have great power and connect to a great spirit and are very hard to translate. Please try to understand the deeper meanings behind the English words. 

Kyo dake wa                           Only for today                           
Ikaruna                                     No anger
Shinpaisuna                               No worry
Kanshashite                              Gratitude
Gyo o hageme                           Fulfillment of duties
Hito ni shinsetsu ni                     Kindness to all people

If you are interested in trying Reiki or receiving treatments you have a few options. 

For people with money to spend, it is 60$ an hour for a private treatment. 
For people who don't have money but are intent on finding a way you can join a "Reiki Share" or you can exchange a service. The important thing is that there is an energy exchange. often gratitude is enough. Most Reiki practitioners are more interested in helping people than taking their money, but like all professions, one has to make a living. Usually we hope for enough paying clients to allow for "pro bono" or service exchange clients. 

A Reiki Share is when a group of people get together to practice reiki on each other. Usually everyone in the group is already attuned. A person who doesn't already practice Reiki would be welcome to join and receive Reiki. 
An attunement is like adjusting your radio frequency to align yourself with the Reiki energy. Ikuko describes it as cleaning out the pipes and allowing the energy to once again flow. 
You may notice how children heal faster and have a special connection to nature. This is because there energy channel is open. As we grow older is tightens up and sometimes we cut ourselves off completely from what some call the universal life force energy. 

Putting Reiki into words is not always easy and I recommend that you give it a try. 

If you would like to learn Reiki and empower yourself with the ability to practice it on yourself, your friends and your family as much as you'd like you can take a seminar. Seminars are Friday evening, sat and sun. It really is the best mother's day gift :)